Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day 5

Today we left Effingham, IL and drove all the way to Pennsylvania. So yes that means we were in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and final destination....Erie, PA. We decided to stop here at a beautiful Hilton Garden Inn. It was a LONG day and we didn't arrive until 8:30pm. Guess what was right next door?? A Cracker Barrel! So at 9pm we went there for dinner....delicious pork chops.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice :) It's kinda pleasant to drive with a cloud cover like that, cooler and a refreshing change of pace than boiling heat every day. That was the way it was on out trips too in 08 and 12. You really made good time. I was very puzzled why you were in Erie ^_^ ?? So high up, at first I figured you were avoiding the storms. So, I kept analyzing the map and figured you were heading for Troy... then I spotted Niagara Falls and said ,hummmmmmm, I wonder??? hehehe
